lady open talk filming
Saturday, November 18th, I will host a discussion with many different types of women. We will discuss relationships, dating in this era, and making friends as an adult. As an owner of a media company, I can create my very own content and distribute it as I please. I am choosing to use the platform that I do have to promote a healthier way of discussing this topic opposed to feeling even more frustrated and not coming up with any type of solution to the issue. People are so used get the drama and cruelty that it becomes hard to see the light. It is creating a division between men and women, it is creating negativity between one another, and what for? I know that I get tired and frustrated when I am not heard and I know that feeling applies to a lot of people. The goal is this conversation and the monthly one I plan on doing moving forward is to not only create a safe space to discuss these popular topics but also navigate people to have these discussions without causing mental stress.
The goal of creating this discussion is because I definitely feel like toxic and unhealthy conversations keep getting promoted. That’s not really beneficial it’s just making people more upset & untrustworthy of everything.I don’t care if I have 3 followers or 1,000, I value each one of you & I will use whatever platform I have to promote a healthier way of having these discussions with one another.
I definitely get on social media to promote my things but this is something I feel will actually be helpful to someone. People tend to remove themselves from social media and other places they deem as detrimental to their mental health.
I just want to create a safe environment to have these popular topics conversations.
There are only a few more spots left for the in-person filming but you can join our live stream and join the conversation.