January news

Happy new year!!

For 2023, I am sure all of us have big plans. I know that I do. As you know the platform will not launch until late Spring. Njoyflix will have original content and content owned by independent filmmakers.

As a filmmaker on this platform, you matter! Your voice matters! So if you have ideas and you see something that works better for the platform please feel free to speak up about it.

This platform is intended for growth for all of us because as we build a community. This platform is going to create revenue for all who are on it.

we need each other to make this succeed. I will be doing a tour in six cities this summer to promote our platform and the content on the platform.

Franchester Williams

I create content to help you become more self sufficient in areas of entrepreneurship and business. I do this by creating videos, physical & digital downloads that help guide you along the way.


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