Trump At It Again

Trump was in my city yesterday causing a ruckus as always. Honestly, I am not shocked at any of his antics anymore it’s just want he does. He doesn’t even like Chicago and I am surprised he even came. There are people in my city that supports him and his party, so he definitely had a few cheers in the audience. He did not like the initial question he was asked that was stated with facts so he did what he does best which was lie. He stated that Rachel Scott did not greet him or say hi, which she did when he first walked on the stage.

There was only a certain amount of time so Rachel Scott went straight into the hard questions. He so casually disrespects black women and then to top off his overall ignorance he adds the cherry on top but saying he didn’t know Kamala Harris was black. People can be more than one race.

I will just leave the video here for you to see yourself just in case you didn’t.

Franchester Williams

I create content to help you become more self sufficient in areas of entrepreneurship and business. I do this by creating videos, physical & digital downloads that help guide you along the way.

Mr. Beast Drama Not on the news


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