The black vegan Chicago small business meetup
I am so super excited because I heading to The Black Vegan to film this upcoming episode of The Plug. I looked on TikTok and saw that my blog was featured on Keith Lee’s account. That made my day honestly because as a small business you never really know how far of a reach you have and to see that he and his family saw my blog was everything!
I now feel super empowered because when I am tired or it feels like I am not doing much, it feels like I’m good and God himself is telling me to keep going.
With that being said I decided to reach out to Sparkle Rucker the owner of the Black Vegan not just because she is my friend but because she is giving back to her community and helping other small businesses. I am so amazed by how she is doing her thing and inspiring not just me but everyone she meets.
This is the episode of the Plug Chicago and make sure you watch until the end because I will have the information of how you can reach everyone who was interviewed. If you are in Chicago you can reach out to Sparkle or visit The Black Vegan 2300 S Kedzie.