My experience working this fashion shoot

I am a small business owner. My business is media specializing in photography and videography. I post my work on social media and go to networking events to get the word out about my business. People also tag me on social media when they see people looking for photographers as well. Which is actually how I got this job. I was tagged in a post and then the person inboxed me. If the inbox message isn’t crazy or disrespectful I typically respond. It was a basic “Hey”. I responded because maybe I met this person. I wasn’t sure. He later revealed that he needed a female photographer for an event he was doing. So I asked questions like where, what time, and rate. He said it was low pay. I had to decide if I wanted to do it for that amount & think of how it would benefit me if it did at all. I did not know this person at all. We had a phone conversation and it was awkward but whatever, I started to prepare by getting my SD cards and making sure my batteries were charged, etc.

The night before the first day, this man messaged me that the location had changed. I almost canceled on that dude right then and there because what do you mean the location has changed? TF? I was already iffy about the dude because he was lowballing me in pay, he came off as weird, and now the location has changed. I called all of my friends and family. I arranged for one of my friends and my aunt to come with me to make sure this was even legit in the first place.

I was pleased to see that it was legit. I got my photos and dipped. I was not trying to stay around any longer.

The second day was the longer day, a 12-hour day. I was not looking forward to spending my entire day in the place but I pushed through it. I had fun but after the first 6 hours, I was losing energy. I just wanted the day to be over sooner. I got some good photos but I also started to stop caring. I started to really get upset because I was doing more work than old boy at a certain point. I did a lot of work for such little pay. I will not do that again. If I do I will get my own pay full pay.

Franchester Williams

I create content to help you become more self sufficient in areas of entrepreneurship and business. I do this by creating videos, physical & digital downloads that help guide you along the way.

Tubi launching stubios


Obioma fashion event