Hustle & Grow: My journey to netflix - eP. 1 - Idea

If you have an idea about something make it happen! I started my media company right before the pandemic hit in October 2019. I had a decent start, I did not go to school for business I went to school for film. I always loved creating and telling stories visually. When Covid had us in the house I started being more consistent with my content because I was bored. I did more photography during the pandemic to get my business going, because you can be 6 feet apart and still get good photos. I was promoting photography so much that’s all some people thought I did.

So I decided to keep writing and created a series loosely about where I am in life. I am currently in a place of healing and growing. So I decided to name my series, “Undiagnosed Problems” because everyone has suffered from something traumatic but not everyone seeks help and try to address those issues.

I am going to get my series on Netflix that is the goal! This blog and my YouTube series of the same title are doing just that. I will take y’all with me on my journey through the entire process good and bad of creating, writing & filming my journey to getting my first series on Netflix.

This entire process is new to me but I like to learn and hopefully teach y’all something in the process too!

This first episode is title “Idea” to express how one idea you love and talk about can grow into something amazing! I hope you enjoy!

I will be posting weekly vlog episodes. Please subscribe, like and comment if you like the content.

Franchester Williams

I create content to help you become more self sufficient in areas of entrepreneurship and business. I do this by creating videos, physical & digital downloads that help guide you along the way.