Franchester Williams Media LLC

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Video Editing Tips & Ideas

I started being more consistent on my YouTube channel but in my opinions my videos were boring. I am just sitting down and talking to the camera then uploading with very minimal editing. The thing is I know how to edit. I have just become a lazy editor or I am just in need of a creative spark. So I decided to make my videos the way I actually want them to look with these basic bare minimum upgrades.

Here are some basic tips and ideas to make your video a bit more engaging for your audience, too. If you see yourself like I did.

  • Add an opacity layer over you main video

    • For example, you are talking about all the research that you have done for add a overlay video of what you have researched and lower that opacity so you audience can see that work you did. As if you actually are bringing this with you as you learn. This does not have to last for a long time.

  • Zoom in and out

    • Adding slight shot movements can help keep you audience engaged. I am putting myself in the audience sit because I am making content for people who are interested in what I am talking about and I have noticed that I have stayed engaged in videos that had little zoomies in them. I actually like that.

  • Shrink your main video

    • Changing the size of your talking video or whatever you are showing in your story. I am inspired by a lot of filmmakers on social media. They found their style and they put systems in place with the way they bring there story to life. An example of this is Nneka Julia visual style. The very first video I saw of hers I immediately had to follow her. She minimizes her main video when she makes her story more intimate as if she is talking directly to you (her audience)

  • Add multiple photos to what you are talking about

    • If you are talking about growing up or a vacation you took, you can add multiple photos as if you were showing a friend. For example, if I go to LA with my daughter I will get a lot of videos and photos. I can add ten photos to a page to show my audience the time we had as if I was handing a friend or family photos one at a time.

  • Add music

    • Adding music creates a vibe (just make sure that you have licensing for the music you are including especially if it is not copyright free music) but think of it as a date or when you are cleaning or whatever you do when you are trying to set a vibe. Whatever you are a music lover or not, you must admit music can effect your mood. It can make you feel happy, it can remind you of a person, it can make you sad. Music creates an atmosphere. So add music that helps create the music in which you are trying to create.

  • Add sound effect

    • Adding sound effects to your video project enhances that customer experience I feel like graphic designer Sandra Createss does a good job at incorporating sounds with her animations. It doesn’t take you out of the experience at least not for me and 80k plus people who follow her. Her videos are informative and engaging. She is also the example for my next point

  • Use text and graphics

    • Adding text does so much for the viewing experience in my opinion. If gives information to the viewer about what you are talking about, it gives the viewer information but in a way way. Graphics also does this and it keeps your viewer (your core audience) engagement in your topic.

  • Add B-roll or stock footage

    • If your video is not for commercial use, then add some stock footage to add more visuals to your topic. This helps move your story along in a creative way. The difference with b-roll and stock footage is that b-roll is your own footage that you capture and have the rights too. For example, the footage that I took on my phone when I took a walk along the lakeside. I owe that footage. I am not using footage someone else capture. Another option, that I do not use but it is an option and that is using Ai for your stock footage.

  • Edit the coloring of your original video

    • I personally enjoy a cinematic looking video but what exactly does that mean well if you are some who likes that quality of videos to look like a movie and not a 90s home video than the first time to doing this is editing the color of your video. You can do this on almost any video editor that has adjust. You can use the build-in filters or you can adjust the color manually to your desired preference. A good example of this is Lough. I absolutely love the way he does the coloring of his video. Every vlog he uploads looks like a little movie.

  • Create different angles

    • There are so many angles you can capture of the same location or subject. Giving your audience different angles will keep your viewers engaged as well as give you a cinematic look to your videos. If you are start searching up filmmakers almost every single one of them have a video about angles. You don’t have to be a professional filmmaker to do either. I teach children photography each summer and they found fun creative angle to do. You can literally put your mind to anything.

These are just a basic tips and ideas that you can use in your video. If you made it this far please like this video so more people can get these tips and if you haven’t already subscribe. I will be making more videos like this, using different techniques that I have actually tried.