Franchester Williams Media LLC

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Being intentional with your peace & energy

I must be doing something right. I must moving in the right direction because I keep getting curve balls thrown at me.

I am in my late 30s now and I do not nor will I do anything that I do not want to do.

If I don’t want you in my life as a friend it’s ok we don’t have to be friends. It doesn’t mean that I don’t like or it doesn’t even mean that I don’t care. It means you don’t vibe with my spirit for whatever reason and I’m going to trust the intuition and keep my distance.

If I don’t want to stay up late and do an activity because I would rather get some rest to rejuvenate my body and mind I’m going to do just that and not feel bad about it.

I have a best friend that understands me on a different level and he is a safe place for me to express how I am feeling. He’s not perfect and neither am I but having him as my best friend means the world. My friend group in general is my safe space.

I have an ex that did not want to be with me and honestly it’s ok. We didn’t have the same energy or the same intentions. I wanted my person and he wanted something else so we had to part ways because I was not going to allow him to make me adapt to his situation. Knowing that was not what I wanted and I wouldn’t be happy.

Sometimes people do us a favor whether it feels like it or not. By removing themselves or making the decision to remove them much easier. You cannot force yourself into someone’s life who doesn’t want to be there. You also should not want someone who doesn’t want to be there around you. It only brings negativity, envy, hate.

When you come to the realization that peace of mind is irreplaceable you can’t make this stuff up. It becomes something that means more than drama or having your blood pressure go up.

For years, I have had a temper, I would go from 0 to 100 real quick as I get older and realize that, that was not a flex. It’s a trauma response. We hold on to so much trauma and pain that no longer serves us. When you get angry or hurt, do something for yourself, after you have calmed down ask yourself:

  • Why are you truly hurting or upset?

  • What is the reason behind it?

Write in a journal about it. Don’t hold back. Take a few minutes to meditate. Take a breath. You are doing this for yourself and not anyone else. Reconnect to yourself.

Do not allow someone with the intention to disturb or disrupt your peace succeed in that mission.

Be intentional about your actions. Be intentional with your energy.